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to expand domestic demand中文是什么意思

用"to expand domestic demand"造句"to expand domestic demand"怎么读"to expand domestic demand" in a sentence


  • 扩大内需


  • Education : an important way to expand domestic demand
  • Employing consumption credit to expand domestic demands
  • The analysis of market influence on demand increse and themeasures to expand domestic demand
  • In order to expand domestic demand , we first of all need to raise the incomes of urban and rural residents , especially those with low incomes , to increase their purchasing power
  • Reconstruction in the wake of floods indicates that the floods , while causing disasters , have also brought opportunities , including those to expand domestic demand and expedite development
  • Starting from the causes , which give birth to the deflation and the experiences and lessons while putting things in order , this article will provide some concrete measures to expand domestic demand
    本文将从通货紧缩产生的成因并结合国外通货紧缩及治理的经验及教训出发,提出治理通货紧缩- -扩大内需的具体措施。
  • The increase of monoplistic products further deepens the deflation . in chapter four , suggestions and policies are put forwar d . the essential method to improve deflation is to deepen the reform of economic system and make efforts to expand domestic demand
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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